If you're lucky, once in a lifetime, you will make a friend as a child and keep that friend forever, creating new memories as often as possible. My best friend and I have been creating memories together for over 38 years. Luckily, our husbands and children love each other and everyone gets along beautifully! Our tradition is to go camping together every summer. We share a lot of laughs. Like seriously, a lot of laughs! This is our group. Our kids are like cousins and have promised us that no matter how old they get, they won't ever outgrow our annual camping extravaganza!

We are tent campers. I am now 46 years old and have finally figured out how to not wake up tired, sore and ornery. It's called an Aerobed! Gone are the days of bed rolls, squishy air mattresses and sleeping bags. I now have a blow up bed with a box spring and a headboard. Flannel sheets and a snuggle blanket while camping have changed my life! My BFF made fun of me for being a "glamper." I told her that she can laugh at me all she wants until she breaks her hubby down and heads to Costco for an Aerobed. It is the best $139.99 I've ever spent! My guy isn't complaining either.
This is the beautiful Highway 1 coast drive! See that bridge? Yes, I drove across it.
So many photo opportunities! I think I have over 300 pictures from the weekend. My daughter snapped this shot of me.
Margaritas while camping are a must with our group. We actually have Mexican food night and my BFF makes the best carnitas ever!! We really do it up with all of the fixings. Yes. I admit it. We glamp! The best part is that we prep all of the food at home, so all my sweet hubby has to do is work his magic at the campfire. Best campfire food I've ever tasted!
We took a lovely hike to a waterfall. Due to the California drought, it wasn't as big as it once was, but it was still very pretty. It was a nice spot to eat our sandwiches and enjoy the moment.
I am already missing our time together outdoors. The best part about camping is unplugging from all electronics. Spending time together without the distractions of our daily lives. It brings us all back together connecting on a deep and memorable level where we can just let go and be present.